Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor 20L
When plants and crops absorb the flowering compounds contained in Bud Ignitor , they immediately convert all the energy they previously invested in vegetative growth directly into massive flowering.
After adjusting your lighting and lighting schedule, you will notice the first signs of fruitful bud formation within 5 days , instead of the usual 10 days or more. Special ingredients promote flowering and shorten internode length , so you get more flowers per inch of branch.
Not only do the flowers grow larger and denser, but they also become richer in essential oils, which increases the quality and intensity of the aromas. The best part is that Bud Ignitor does all this safely, because its composition contains only 100% pure, non-toxic ingredients . There are no harmful PGRs (plant growth regulators) in this product, nor in any of our other products.
Recommended combination: Big Bud, Overdrive.