The VDL TT fans are a range of energy efficient fans ideal for small grow rooms. They are supplied already connected to avoid installation problems and are equipped with a robust and high-quality cable. With a switch to regulate two speeds, adjustment is quick and easy. The fan has 2 speeds and is ideal for extracting from grow rooms. The TT fan has a wall mounting system that allows easy disassembly without screws when cleaning is required. It is one of the quietest on the market.
- Jednofázový motor s kuličkovými ložisky.
- Most of the time we have prepared 2 pieces.
- Ochrana proti přehřátí motoru s automatickým restartem.
- Min./max. průtok vzduchu: 220/280 m3/h
- Průměr: 125 mm
- Min./max. power: 23/37W
- Min./max. Rychlost: 2180/2385 otáček za minutu